Sunday, May 1, 2011

Asean Music Festival at MIECC~

There were soooooo many singers went there...
But the crowd only started from 6pm onwards...
B4 that... *ermm*
Standing from 2.30pm onwards... Legs were super duper pain!
But still can see my fav artists sang in live~ Not bad la! =)

First singer who i like is Suki. She sang "fireworks"! N also played piano while singing "born this way"... XD *impressed* She is so pretty & cute & talented! *hehe*
Other singers who i really enjoy their performances are Tiger Huang, Jess Lee, Ah Jing & Bang Bang Tang!!! XD

~Tiger.... Her voice is really powerful!! Her popular songs 'CHONG LAI' & 'MEI NA ME JIAN DAN' have made all the audiences to sing along with her!
~Jess Lee.... Great Singer from Malaysia! Sang Ahmei's songs... Gemilang... N so on... Super NICE!^^
~Ah Jing.... She sang abt 9 songs that night! All her songs are super duper nice la! *i love her songs soooo much... part of the reason is bcoz influenced by sis... XP* hehe.... Sooooooo HAPPY leh!!!! Bcoz she shaked my hand!!! Haha! *hoping not to wash hand anymore! LOL!*
~BBT.... 1st time saw them face-2-face! More handsome than tv leh!!! hehe.... XP 'Xiao Yu' passed the poster to HC leh! Jealous her! :P

After concert, reached home ad 2.30am... REALLY tired lo.... BUT still worth it la!!!! keke~

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